Services Offered

All prices shown in US dollars. Payment plans can be arranged for manuscripts with a high word count. Payment accepted through PayPal or Stripe.

Beta reading

Constructive criticism from a reader’s perspective. In addition to commenting on my thoughts and reactions while reading your story, I will give you a detailed report with my thoughts on your plot development, character development, dialogue, setting, themes, scene development, pacing, and anything else you specify.

This is not editing! No changes will be made to your manuscript.

Minimum cost $50

Add $1.00/1000 words above 50K

Manuscript evaluation

Not sure what level of editing you need? Or maybe you know that you need a fresh set of eyes to help you sort out what’s working or not working, and get some ideas about how to fix potential problems.

This service sometimes goes by other names (i.e.,manuscript assessment, manuscript critique) and specific details may vary. In this evaluation, I will read your manuscript in whatever form it currently exists - finished or unfinished - and give you detailed, thoughtful, specific feedback on potential problem areas and offer suggestions on next steps you might take.

This is not editing! No changes will be made to your manuscript.

$0.0025 per word

Line/Copy editing

Before proofreading, this stage of editing polishes up the rough spots, looks for inconsistencies, sentence fragments, awkward phrasing, often-repeated . This is a detailed round of editing that focuses on the technical use of language, fixing any errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and syntax. You’ve determined your story’s structure; you’ve given it some style. This is the time to clean it up and make it shine!

Changes will be made and tracked through use of Microsoft Word’s Track Changes.

$0.015 per word


This is the final stage of editing that comes after your manuscript has been through at least a couple previous rounds of editing and revision. Proofreading takes place after your pages have been formatted and are (almost) ready to go to publication. I will check for any last, lingering errors that have slipped through previous rounds of editing, or maybe new ones that have popped up as a result of revisions and formatting.

$0.01 per word


Get in touch for a free quote or to schedule a free half-hour consultation to discuss your project.