Hi, I’m Andi – proofreader, editor, beta reader and book lover! I have a BA in English literature from Hope College where I learned to analyze literature and love doing it! However, being the daughter and granddaughter of teachers, I became a public school teacher and spent 15 years in the classroom (which I also loved). After three years weathering the changes that the pandemic brought to the world of teaching, I decided that it was time for another kind of change – a change in career and a change in my surroundings. I earned a certificate in proofreading and copy editing through Knowadays, started working with their partner company, Proofed, and created this website to build a freelance business of my own and pursue a long-held dream – to play a role in creating great books that I would love to read! I enjoy working with authors to bring out their best writing while staying true to each author’s individual style and voice.

When I’m not reading or editing, I am out exploring the world, local cultures, and historic sites! Having spent a year in Spain, teaching English as a foreign language while learning (a little bit of) Spanish, I am now pet sitting my way around Europe: the UK, France, Netherlands… and counting!


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