A Story that Resonates with Readers

That’s what we all want, right? Writers want to write a story that readers will love, and readers want to be absorbed by a great story. Hi there! I’m Andi, an avid reader and grammar nerd. Whether you have completed a full draft of your story or you are still working on it, I can help you make it the best it can be.







Consistency and fluency in your voice.




Clean, polished content.

How can I help you?

Beta reading

An in-depth read-through of your completed (though maybe unedited) manuscript with a detailed reader’s report offering critique and constructive feedback in the form of questions, reactions, and suggestions from a reader’s perspective.

Manuscript evaluation

Stuck? Not sure what to do next, or just need a fresh set of eyes? This evaluation will help identify the strengths and weaknesses in your manuscript and help you develop a plan for revisions and moving through the editing process.

Line/Copy editing

Detailed edit focusing on the mechanics of language: not only grammar, spelling, and punctuation, but also consistency, missing words, repeated words, sentence structure, awkward phrasing, and more.


A final, detailed read-through after you have been through the editing process and before you are ready to publish/submit/present your work to catch any last typos, errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation.